EH-LS800B Podrška

Pažnja: Vaš operativni sistem možda neće biti pravilno prepoznat. Obavezno ručno izaberite svoj operativni sistem iz opcija datih iznad kako biste gledali kompatibilan sadržaj.


Ostali softver
Throw Distance Simulator
Dodatne informacije:

Throw Distance Simulator is a web application for calculating the throw distance between screen and the EPSON projector. Supported browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari

Mobile Apps
Epson iProjection for iOS
Dodatne informacije:

By using Epson iProjection, you can use the projectors to hold interactive meetings. You can connect up to 16 computers to one projector via a network. You can then select up to four of these connected computers and project their screens.

Epson iProjection for Android
Dodatne informacije:

By using Epson iProjection, you can use the projectors to hold interactive meetings. You can connect up to 16 computers to one projector via a network. You can then select up to four of these connected computers and project their screens.

Epson Setting Assistant - Android
Dodatne informacije:

Epson Setting Assistant is an app that automatically corrects the shape of a projected image by taking pictures with your camera. Make sure your Android device and a projector that supports this app are connected to the same network. By taking a photo of the projected pattern, the app automatically corrects distortion in the projected image and adjusts its shape to match the screen.

Epson Setting Assistant - iOS
Dodatne informacije:

Epson Setting Assistant is an app that automatically corrects the shape of a projected image by taking pictures with your camera. Make sure your Android device and a projector that supports this app are connected to the same network. By taking a photo of the projected pattern, the app automatically corrects distortion in the projected image and adjusts its shape to match the screen.

Najčešća pitanja

Najčešća pitanja

Priručnici i dokumentacija

Priručnici i dokumentacija

User's Guide (v1.0)
2.67 MB
Dodatne informacije:
This manual provides you with information on how to use your product from setting up to troubleshooting.
Throw Distance Simulator (v1.0)
2.39 MB
Dodatne informacije:

“Throw Distance Simulator” is a web application for calculating the throw distance between screen and the EPSON projector.

Opcije vezane za registraciju i garanciju

Opcije vezane za registraciju i garanciju

Registrujte proizvod
Da registrujete novi proizvod, kliknite na "Registruj sada" dugme.
Registrujte se odmah
Proverite garanciju
Da proverite status proizvoda, kliknite na "Proverite status garancije" i unesite serijski broj na strani za podršku.
Provera statusa garancije
Opcije produžene garancije (CoverPlus)
Zaštitie svoj Epson proizvod preko standardnog perioda garancije uz Epson CoverPlus plan. Za više informacija o opcijama za produžetak garancije, kliknite na "Pogledaj opcije produžetka garancije".
Pogledajte opcije za produžetak garancije
Kontaktirajte nas

Kontaktirajte nas

Možete kontaktirati Epson ovlašćene servisne partnere, u nastavku su podaci:

Aigo BS d.o.o.
Paunova 82 – 84
Banjica, 11000 Beograd
Tel: +381 11 65 55 294
Tel: +381 11 65 55 295
Fax: +381 11 65 55 296
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